Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Christmas Culture Shock

Many people ask about how the Argnetines celebrate Christmas, and for people in the U.S. it is quite strange. Christmas Eve was terrible. I knew that the young Porteños (people in Bs As) party late after dinner with their families, but I was not prepared for what ocurred. After attending a late Tango Concert, we were out late the night before Christmas Eve, and with plans on Christmas Day, decided to skip the school activity at the club at 2AM to get a good night sleep.

On Christmas Eve, I struggled to stay awake through out a movie which ended at midnight; immediately following, the firecrackers began. First, one in the distance, then one that rattled our patio window; soon they were popping off in all directions. I have never been in a one, but I had to think of a war zone as M-80's echoed through the streets of Buenos Aires. They did not last for to long, and I thought finally I would get some sleep.

I woke to the sound of a deliberate thumping thundering through the apartment not long after dozing off. A glance out the window revealed a party in the courtyard directly outside of our window, complete with disco ball, techno music, and screaming Porteños. Surely this could not last all night right? As the top of each hour passed I became more and more amazed (and really pissed off) that nobody had a problem with the party below. It literally shook the building and also affected four other buildings which surround the court yard. However, at six o'clock the party was still going when I finally fell asleep.

There was one moment of comedy, when the party could be heard singing along to Bob Marley, obviously without knowing the words. Otherwise it was more like sleep deprivation, and it would have been really nice if there was a guide book that warned Norte Americanos about this strange phenomenon in Buenos Aires.

No nativity scenes here! The streets are filled with screaming, explosions, and really bad electronic music! All they were missing is one hour dedicated to chanting "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus..."

Ay Caramba!



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